The Wikomsette, by Emerald Lavere

Today I welcome Emerald Lavere to my blog to discuss why she writes erotic sci-fi and her book The Wikomsette (Loose Id, LLC).

Well, the sci-fi part is easy. I was a typical nerd in my youth. Loved Star Trek, Star Wars, Buck Rogers, the original Battlestar Galactica and even a campy, short-lived spoof show called Quark. My interests were not solely in space operas though. Quantum Leap is still a favorite, and is closer in theme to my first novel, THE WIKOMSETTE.

As a young reader, I favored fairy tales, and Tales of the Unexpected, a science fiction, fantasy and horror comic book series. I loved (and still love) anything that explores the concept of “What if?”

My aspirations to become a published writer began at the age of thirteen. Previously I’d enjoyed making up stories to entertain my friends during long car rides to dance class, and writing short stories for school. The stories tended to be on the darker side. Often supernatural, and usually with twist endings.

But I suppose the answer to, “Why erotic sci-fi?” is pretty straight-forward after all. It combines two things I’ve been particularly interested in as long as I can remember: science fiction, and…the opposite sex. I had my first crush before kindergarten, and was convinced it was true love! So to spend all those hours writing about thought-provoking subjects, and beautiful men…For me, it doesn’t get much better than that.

For THE WIKOMSETTE, the story really started with the basic concept of: In what scenario would it be socially acceptable for a woman to have several, simultaneous lovers? So from the start there was a sexual fantasy basis. However, though I adore passion and romance, I needed a plot that excited me, too. So my heroine’s men have a secret mission. She wants to uncover the truth, and in the end winds up being more instrumental than any of them could have anticipated. So the fantasy for the reader isn’t just about the lovers, but about the adventure as well.


Regina lost her husband four years ago. Now she trods along day by day, with no thoughts of adventures or relationships. But one afternoon, thanks to an unseen force, the thirty-one year old finds herself in a remote jungle. There, a small group of diverse men are working on a top secret project. The men themselves are a mystery too, with their strange language, dress, and ideas about marriage. Having expected Regina, they announce she is to be the Wikomsette, or Wife, of their entire, eight-man tribe. With secrets to uncover and alluring men to navigate, Regina may have more adventure and romance than most women get in a lifetime. But her unconventional situation is temporary. Can this widow get what she’s never had…a love that will last?

WIKOMSETTE 2, has recently been submitted to Loose Id and I hope to see it out in 2016. It’s been an interesting progression. My intention with the first novel was to write a short story, but after writing only a few pages, I realized there were characters I wanted to spend much more time with. Then the goal was a stand-alone novel, but after it was finished, there was so much more of that world yet to reveal. It didn’t feel like an option. I had to write it. In the sequel the story goes on, but from a different character’s perspective.

THE WIKOMSETTE is available for purchase  online at most major eBook providers. Links for just two of those sources are here: Loose Id | Amazon

For opportunities to win a copy of THE WIKOMSETTE, or a number of other great prizes, check out my website for a list of upcoming events in which Emerald is participating.


Twitter: @EmeraldLavere

Emerald Lavere is a forty-something, mother to three, and wife to one (until those pesky bigamy laws change, wink wink.) A former professional entertainer, she now teaches dance part time, and writes full time. For fun she enjoys reading books of almost any genre, watching sitcoms, and pretending she knows how to play the drums–so her husband won’t be sorry he bought her that set last year.

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